Tag Archives: Russia

Produktion, Komrade Pt II

Cleaning up the SKS really wasn’t so bad after all. I followed some great directions from YouTube for disassembly (https://youtu.be/cRp7qb02bhg), the whole thing went off quite well. The hardest part that I found was disassembling and reassembling the trigger group. There is a particularly strong spring that releases the hammer when you pull the trigger. I don’t own a vice like is used in the video so I needed to find an alternate method.

In another video, a comment stated that the way to compress the spring with the hammer to release it was to use the bolt carrier and press it down. This… worked.

I then soaked all of the pieces in a bath of boiling hot water and mineral spirts for 20 minutes to remove the cosmoline. Cosmoline melts at somewhere between 60C and 85C, the hot water combined with the mineral spirts did a fine job.

After 20 minutes in the bath.

Using nitrile gloves, I transferred the parts from the mineral spirits bath to a second tub of hot water… shaking off and straining as much of the mineral spirits as possible. This was further successful in cleaning off the parts.

Rinsed off in the second bath.

I then pulled all of the pieces out of the bath and dried them, using some canned air (which was a mistake, it cooled off the pieces rather than letting the heat from the hot water help to dry them out… I should have got my compressor out) but it all dried nonetheless. Then I gave it a spray of aerosol gun oil.

Dried and waiting for oil.

Cleaning the barrel was something that I expected would be… nastier… than it was. The exterior of the rifle was not coated in cosmoline like I’ve seen in many other videos on YouTube. It was quite clean on the outside however on the inside, it’s pretty obvious that there was some cosmoline that needed to be cleaned out. The barrel was much like the exterior, relatively free of cosmoline. I swabbed it out and flushed it with brake fluid which resulted in more black cleaning patches (carbon) than yellow cleaning patches (cosmoline) going into the trash. The rifle had been fired, some cleaning would have had to be done to fire the rifle… hence why there was no cosmoline in the barrel. So, I oiled the barrel and let it sit for reassembly… after dinner.

Cleaned, oiled and ready.

Putting it back together, per the video… was quite easy. The hardest part of the reassembly was the same hardest part of the disassembly… the trigger group. Using the bolt carrier was how I got it all back together. And then… it was done. It felt like quite an accomplishment for me.

A the reassembled SKS, ready for shooting.

I can’t wait until I can take it out to shoot! I have a couple hundred rounds of 7.62x39mm ready for it!

Produktion, Komrade Pt I

A person can just sit in analysis paralysis and never write anything. Another method is procrastination passing as quality control, avoiding writing or releasing something until it is good enough or even perfect.

The thing to get over this is to just do it. Just write. Post something, post anything. It may be good, it may be ass… you just need to do something. So that’s what I’m doing. Writing.

I bought a surplus Russian SKS rifle a couple of weeks ago and it arrived last week. I unboxed it and it’s even cooler than I could have imagined.

The rifle I bought was manufactured in 1954, making it almost 70 years old. (My dad is still older.) Russia produced a metric buttload (2,700,000) of these semiautomatic rifles in the early 1950s and then quickly fell into obsolescence, subsequently being put into storage once the Kalashnikov AK-47 was adopted as the primary rifle to be used by the Soviet military.

I’m not sure when in the process the rifles would be dunked in cosmoline however all surplus SKS rifles are sure to have it on the outside of the rifle to varying degrees but for sure it exists on the inside of the rifle. Thus, a surplus rifle needs to be stripped down and all its pieces need to be cleaned thoroughly to remove this heavy grease.

The rifle I’ve received is actually quite clean on the outside however the inside is likely a very different story. YouTube has proven to be a very good resource for educating myself on what I will need to do to clean this rifle. I’ve got mineral spirits, some non-chlorinated brake cleaner, nitrile gloves, compressed air… probably should have grabbed some small plastic containers but there’s still time.

I don’t know what people would have done back in the day, before YouTube to figure out how to clean up surplus rifles….. probably read a book or a magazine article. I know… read a book?!?

Word Of The Day: Defenestration

The defenestration, 1618 by Václav Brožík



Learn to pronounce


  1. FORMAL•HUMOROUS the action of throwing someone out of a window. “death by defenestration has a venerable history”
  2. INFORMAL the action of dismissing someone from a position of power or authority. “that victory resulted in Churchill’s own defenestration by the war-weary British electorate”

I had a fairly elaborate dream last night where this word featured prominently however, within the dream, I was using it incorrectly. I was treating it as though it were some kind of a defensive strategy word which, perhaps that might be true within a certain perspective… but in the context of my dream it was certainly incorrect.

I am not 100% certain on where I heard the word but I think it was on a new podcast that I started listening to. The first series is about Russian secret police dating way back in history and the episode I was listening to dealt with the NKVD during the reign of Stalin.

While in the era of the NKVD they really preferred to just shoot people in the back of the head rather than toss them out a window, I know he made reference to someone getting thrown out of a window. (Richard Sorge?) So, perhaps, he used the word defenestration and it lodged itself into my subconscious. Defenestration has come more into vogue within the last 50 years or so as a commonly accepted method of eliminating your political enemies in Russia as it can be thinly veiled as a suicide.

The more interesting character (read: piece of human garbage) that I might have to look into is Lavrenti Beria. To summarize him based on the information relayed to me in this podcast… he was a pedophiliac, murderer-rapist that was at the top of Russia’s secret police apparatus during Stalin’s era. Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse than Stalin, you come across a guy like Beria. Go communism!

Odd Subjects of Research

There are a few things that I’ve been curious about as of late. Things I’ve seen on television, random topics I’ve come across or things that friends have told me about that I felt the need to look into.

The Salton Sea


This is California’s largest lake which also has a long and bizarre history. Partially natural and partially man-made, the “lake” is a shallow, saline, endorheic rift lake located directly on the San Andreas Fault, predominantly in California’s Imperial and Coachella Valleys. It boasts a history of being fertile farm land, a vibrant beach front getaway and, later, a salty marine wasteland.

The Annunaki

Yes, thank you Giorgio Tsoukalos. Your hilarious Ancient Aliens television show never ceases to entertain me. With tons of references to the pseudoscientific Mesopotamian deities in his show, the show infers that the Annunaki are somehow the creators and caretakers of humanity. Funny how it’s neglected that they are also commonly revered as Reptilian overlords… which gets you into all kinds of even more wacky conspiracy theorists than Giorgio Tsoukalos. Yes, David Icke, I’m talking about you and your psychotropic, stoner ass.

Russian Mafia

Ok, so blame David Cronenberg, Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts. This is a fascinating and brutally harsh movie giving a serious insight into a world many of us can fathom. You thought that the American mafia of the 50s, 60s and 70s were tough… the even more secretive Russian mafioso makes Al Capone and crew look like a bunch of giant pussies. Go ahead and watch Taken while you’re at it to guarantee that you will never let a young, female family member ever travel by themselves anywhere ever again.