Category Archives: Days Of Observance

Have A Happy Festivus

I’m just revisiting a post and video from last year’s momentus Festivus on account that another year has passed and another Festivus is upon us.

A Festivus for the rest of us

Today is Festivus, a secular holiday celebrated on December 23rd. The holiday, as portrayed in Seinfeld and now celebrated by many, includes practices such as the “Airing of Grievances”, in which each person tells everyone else all the ways they have disappointed him or her over the past year. After the meal the “Feats of Strength” are performed, involving wrestling the head of the household to the floor, with the holiday ending only if the head of the household is actually pinned down.

via Festivus For The Rest Of Us.

It’s My Birthday, We’re Gonna Party

Yesterday was a milestone day in the New JeffLand Empire; it was my 35th birthday. This occasion happens only once per year so when it does, it’s generally celebrated as a momentous event by all of the citizens of the NJLE. Of course, we’re going to ignore the birthday debacle of 2008 where I spent my birthday alone on the sofa on a Friday night.

Anyway, my birthday was largely spent in relaxed comfort with the royal family in various locales. After the regular sports grind that goes along with weekends, we headed home for a couple of hours rest. Before we could get any festivities on the go, we would have to pick up the Duke.

It had been decided that we would go bowling for my birthday and when we got to the bowling alley, we discovered that there was an hour wait before we would be able to get a lane. Since we had additional things that I wanted to do, we figured it was ok.  We put our name down for a lane and headed out into the mall. I wanted to look at some puppies and, of course, no one had any objections so we went to the pet store located only a short walk from the bowling alley.

We are a dog family and loved oohing and ahhing the furry little pooches behind glass.  (Caveat: all dogs come second in cuteness to our own Sir Rufficus of Endor.) We wished we could take home one of the little gaffers but, alas, they are expensive and simply not in the JeffLand annual budget for 2010.

Holy National Holidays, Batman!

Ok, so I missed marking the auspicious Canadian national holiday, Canada Day, with a post.  And given that JeffLand’s roots are so intertwined with Canada’s, it was kind of a “my bad” sort of moment on my part.  Soo… Happy Belated Canada Day!

Moving right along, today is the 4th of July; Independence Day in the United States of America.

Soundgarden – 4th Of July

[audio:|titles=Soundgarden – 4th Of July]

Mushroom Cloud

Quite the fireworks display!

I can’t help but think of this song every year that Independence Day rolls around. Feel free to click on the above audio player to listen to Soundgarden’s ‘4th Of July’ while reading the remainder of this post.  And, yes, I do realize that the song references nuclear war (explaining the picture to the right) but I love how Chris Cornell juxtaposes American patriotism with nuclear warfare and with the name… I can’t avoid posting this.

Anyway, Canadians could really learn a few things from the Americans with regard to how to celebrate their national holiday.  One thing that I know about American celebrations is that so many Americans enjoy setting off their own fireworks displays.  This is something that doesn’t happen nearly enough in neither Canada nor the New JeffLand Empire.  Really, we should be shooting off fireworks so often that one might realize that there’s a fine line between patriotism and pyromania!

I’m really expressing my fondness for explosions here and aligning myself with the philosophy that more explosions=better celebration.  So, in honour of our American friends on their day of observance… here is a brilliant fireworks display that won’t send anyone to the hospital or burn off anyone’s hair.


U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Creator's Day 2010

It’s Father’s Day today, or as it’s come to be known in the New JeffLand Empire… Creator’s Day.  It’s a joyous celebration of me and the hard work that I’ve put into creating this land and over 40% of the population that resides within its borders.  Of course, no one in the rest of North America really cares about Father’s Day so why would it be any different in the NJLE?

Momma’s Boy (Life Achievement)

A colleague and I had previously discussed the idea of being able to integrate the XBox gaming perspective of gaming ‘Achievements’ into real-life.  How you could do this… I have no idea but I’ve decided that here, on the NJLE site, that I am going to try and capture these moments when I can.

Today is Mother’s Day.  For people who are of age to have moved out of their parent’s house, it’s customary to at least call your mother on the telephone.

I called my Mom this morning, shortly after waking up and getting my coffee (I mean, one must have their priorities in order!) to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day.  We chatted for a bit when my Grandmother had come through the door at my parents’ house, so I chatted with her too.  Before hanging up, my Mom mentioned that I was the first child to call her that morning.

MW2 Momma's Boy

MW2 Mother's Day title

Now, I’m going beyond XBox Achievements to make up a specific Modern Warfare 2 title/callsign to recognize my accomplishment of calling Mom on Mother’s Day before both of my siblings.  And considering I talked to my Grandma at the same time, I think I also earned double XP for that move and get to be “Son Of The Year”.

Until next year, suckas!!

Festivus For The Rest Of Us


Today is Festivus, a secular holiday celebrated on December 23rd. The holiday, as portrayed in Seinfeld and now celebrated by many, includes practices such as the “Airing of Grievances”, in which each person tells everyone else all the ways they have disappointed him or her over the past year. After the meal the “Feats of Strength” are performed, involving wrestling the head of the household to the floor, with the holiday ending only if the head of the household is actually pinned down.