Monthly Archives: January 2017

The Book

I deactivated my Facebook account and deleted the app tonight. That website has become worse than Mos Eisley… so, yeah, it’s gotten pretty bad.

The longer that I’ve been on it, the volume of negative things seem to end up in my news feed continues to grow and grow. And I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life. I should read more or get more active or… well, I could do anything and it would be better than opening up that app and scrolling through click-bait, misinformation, random hate and advertisements. I have a basement and man room that need to be gone through and organized. I could do that.

It’s just like sticking your face into a firehose that’s spraying full bore. Sure… you’re getting wet. But, at the same time, you are getting your face torn off while drowning. I don’t like the firehose.

Edit: after receiving a couple of text messages from people asking if I was ok, I opted to reactivate my profile and delete the app instead. This saves from freaking people out unnecessarily.