Tag Archives: life

Back In The Saddle

After a couple of weeks, this place is finally starting to shape up. WordPress had been installed for a while but I didn’t really want to go live until I had a domain picked out. Once I got that domain set up, well… it was really confusing for a while.

Now… I have operated a self-hosted blog before but it’s been about ten years since I’d done so. Between completely forgetting about a ton of things and the technology advancing quite a bit with new services and options… the re-learning curve was pretty steep. I haven’t actually learned much because I relied upon Customer Service helping me out and… patience. Often, things just need to run their course and I forget that from time to time.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to writing here again more. I’ve been doing a lot of introspection lately… seeing a therapist and am hoping to figure some stuff out with my life. What I want and where I want to be. Hopefully, I can use this blog to get myself back and live the life that I want to live.