Tag Archives: the elderly

My Coffee Is Sacred

So, we have the carafe style coffee makers now. No more of this individualization of your coffee experience… unless you like using those syrups, then all the power to ya.

But everyone feels like they gotta get all creative with the coffee making. The one chick in this area who drinks decaf makes a 1.5 package pot of decaf. Whatever, it’s fucking decaf… you’re already laying with Satan for that.

But this older lady in the office, who I’m pretty sure she is a pack a day smoker, has been beating me into the office and taken over the whole coffee making thing. (I’ve been consistently making the coffee since switching over and she’s been at the other office until last week.)

She has got the philosophy of only making a half pot since “it’s more flavorful” this way. I don’t know what the fuck she is doing but yesterday and Friday, the coffee tasted like battery acid was mixed in and this morning is is weak as fuck.

Why do people need to keep fucking with my coffee? If I had any confidence that it wouldn’t get stolen, I’d just buy a Tassimo to keep at my desk.

And, to that older lady? If you want your food or drink to me more flavorful… how about you quit fucking smoking, ok?

You might actually be able to taste things if you didn’t dump ashes into your mouth all day long. Think about that.



So, today, I’m at the grocery store and I walk up to the pharmacy pick up counter. This tall, old and fat Arabic dude marches up to the counter (obviously not seeing me there) and cuts right in front of me. Once standing there, he sees me and looks at me knowing that he’d cut me off, waiting for me to say something. So I am polite and just let him go ahead of me. No big whoop since I’m not in a raging hurry.

As the pharmacists (yes, he needed more than one) help him with his prescriptions, it becomes apparent that he has a really fucked up order where there was supposed to be a refill called in but they have no record of it (blah blah blah)… And on top of that… I think he bought one of everything in the pharmacy. I think they even had to double bag everything with plastic grocery bags. Finally, another pharmacist eventually helped me. Shortly, I was out of there and this dude was still at the counter getting his shit together.

I left the grocery store, got into my car and immediately to my left I saw an old dude, who had just left the store, getting into his vehicle. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a pair of white suspenders and getting into a white mid-90s GMC Sonoma. With the door open, I spied that there was a Club attached to the steering wheel.

My first reaction was, “who the hell would want to steal that POS” but I was really baffled when I saw his wife in the passenger seat, who would have been in the truck the whole time he was in the store. WTF.

The freaks don’t come out at night… they come out from 9 to 5 and they all hang out at grocery stores.