Tag Archives: MW3

This Is A Pretty Good Start

My load-out is a silenced SCAR-L and a SMAW with various other items of no consequence. Off the top of the match, I managed to get those first four kills (+ a flag capture) and then call in the Predator missile for a whopping 4 kill multi-kill! Naturally, I called in my Attack Helicopter which would get me an additional two kills and get me the AC-130! While I was in the AC-130 viewscreen, my Attack Heli continued to eat and kill opposing players. Once my helicopter was done and I was finished in the AC-130, I took the screenshot below and went about my business. My killstreak ended at 21.

I did manage to go on and finish the game 33-8 as per the other screenshot below.

MW3 Awesomeness


I’m sure that this has been done countless times before however this is a first for me; getting six kills with a single Stealth Bomber in Modern Warfare 3. If you look in the sidebar of the picture… yeah, I’m Pehrent. It was pretty cool but can be largely attributed to the stupidity of the other team while playing Kill Confirmed.