Tag Archives: craving

Day 40 rerun

On Wednesday, I was trying to find an image of the number 40 that I would find suitable for yesterday’s Day 40 post. I didn’t have any grand ideas for the post… 40 is just a nice round number to comment on.

After entering ’40 days’ into Google, the search results came in with an unusually heavy weighting in Christianity and the bible. I’m not religious but this caught my interest. What is the significance of the number 40 in the bible?

It seems that there are many biblical stories where God would test man with various trials and, often, the duration of these trials were… 40 days. Weird. I didn’t look into thoughts or theories on why this was; I only have so much tolerance for preaching and every website had just too much preaching for me. I did take note of the biblical stories in question and, unfortunately, none of these trials would have starred Charleton Heston or involved Jesus riding a raptor. Sorry.

I’m not making any religious parallels here. Unless there’s a parallel that involves Nic Cage… then, why the hell not? 40 days… it’s just an interesting coincidence.

But, yeah, yesterday was my 40th day of sobriety and, holy fuck, it was boring. I had text messaged a friend earlier in the day saying, “I don’t need a drink but I could really go for a beer right now.” It wasn’t like I was going to actually have a beer but it was just one of those days where I was needing to unwind. A beer was just my old familiar way to unwind. Instead, I relaxed in my chair after work, watched some hockey on TV and ended up in bed around 9:30 pm out of pure exhaustion. That’s kind of been my modus operandi lately. Chillaxing. 

Idle Hands Are The Devil’s Workshop 

I’ve been keeping busy today. I have been cleaning, doing dishes, getting some laundry done. I’ve also been watching TV in between my duties. Plenty of dinosaur programming on the National Geographic channel followed by my first exposure to AMC’s new show Into The Badlands (which is pretty solid, by the way) and now for the all-time classic, Predator, starring Arnold Shwarzenegger.

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I’ve had no cravings for booze either but feeling some lingering pain and ache in my left arm from the shoulder all way to my forearm. The pain is significantly less than it was when I first put it out but the locations and depths of the pain have me concerned that this may require a little more than just physiotherapy. We’ll see on Monday though. That’s my appointment to discuss the results of the MRI.

Today is Day 27.