
Note: This is a post I wrote November 15, 2007 about the woman that I still consider to be my soul mate and love with every fibre of my being.


I don’t like to start off blog posts like this. In this case, I have no choice; I have been thinking for over a week of a way to relay the outcome of my trip alluded to in my last post. And for the past hour, I have been punching keys and then deleting them… feeling they were insufficient to portray the depth and significance of it.

How can you put words to what is quite possibly one of the most influential and monumental events of your life? How can you describe it in a way that does it justice?

The simple fact is that you can’t. But I’m going to try; be damned if I’m not going to try.


Looking back, I feel like I had been involved in a cosmic Q & A session to find that, within 24 hours, all of my questions had been answered. And in those answers; the key to my future and my happiness seemed clear. The more time that goes past, the more I can appreciate the magnitude of what we’d done.

Although we’d both shared fantasies about our first meeting many times, nothing could prepare me for what it would actually be like. We shared each other in that hotel room; for hours. We made love, we talked, we touched, we held each other… it was incredible.

Right from the moment where she stepped past the doorway and into my arms, nothing that I can remember has ever felt so right. The smell of her perfume in my nose as I planted soft kisses on her neck, the softness of the skin on her lower back as I ran my hand beneath her top, the warmth of her breasts as they crushed against my chest; it was like the final pieces of a puzzle being placed together.

I savoured her body, her mind and her soul on that bed. No part of her body was left untouched. I wanted to commit every curve, every texture, every square inch of her to memory; from her toes to her ears. My lips went places on her body where I’m sure she’s never had a pair of lips go before. Each long and wistful moan she made was recorded; each sharp and pleasure driven breath she took was documented in my mind. We would spend periods in each other’s arms talking about our disbelief about being together and just staring into each other’s eyes.

I expressed my love for her verbally as well, sometimes unable to finish it before I moved in for a kiss. I treasured looking into her eyes while we made love and professing my devotion to her.

A Comment

I posted a comment on rougedmount‘s post where she really revealed some intimate details of her life. She inspired me where I wrote:

In my youth when I first became sexual, I had a girlfriend who went out to see male strippers one night and proceeded to tell me that I had a small cock. She had nothing other than these male strippers to compare me to and have since learned that the size of my cock is decidedly average. However, I can’t even begin to tell you how devastating that was to me, as a man.

After that, I became a student of the pussy. I read voraciously about oral sex and was determined that if my cock was too small to pleasure a woman then my mouth and lips and tongue would overcome all of my other shortcomings.

And over the years, I have learned much and made many worn cum hard with my mouth and lips and tongue. However the scars that I carry with regard to being able to receive pleasure still remain.

Really, it is kind of a tangent from what she wrote but I felt that the power of her words inspired me in a way that I haven’t been inspired to write in a while. Depression has been my foe as of late and the first casualty of depression for me is creativity.

The Language of the Dominant

For whatever reason, there aren’t nearly as many dominants who blog as there are submissives who blog.

Submissives are, by nature, more inclined to try to gain attention of those who may follow a blog, hoping to get some microscopic amount of titillation.

Dominants, however, are more controlled. Generally speaking, of course… dominants don’t typically show their faces online. I’m really not sure why this is; perhaps it’s because many doms don’t require external approval from other people.

Hence, if you are a blossoming Dom then it is probably going to be more difficult to find writings and inspiration from traditional online sources.

Maybe this generality, along with my love of the English language, causes me to be overly critical of online dominants with a lesser grasp. With that being said; “I’m not the example of perfection.”


But, I believe that a dominant should be somewhat cerebral. A dominant should be aware in his own head WHAT he wants and enjoys. While a dominant may not communicate frequently, when he does, he should be clear and concise in his thoughts and directions. Such clarity requires an understanding of what you are wanting to say. And then being able to do it.

This is my opinion.