Category Archives: Marriage

Born Losers

The more that I think about this still anticipated split between my wife and I, I’m growing much more at ease with the reality of it. 

I heard this song driving into work this morning; it’s the first single from Canadian singer/songwriter Matthew Good off of his Hospital Music album released roughly 10 years back? (That can’t be right, can it?) Matt had recently split up with his wife Jenny and was very tortured over the whole thing. He went on a long acoustic tour right after which, at the time, felt like it was some kind of therapy for him. After that, he recorded and released Hospital Music which I felt was more therapy for him. 

Listening to the lyrics to Born Losers, I feel that bitterness and also feel that I’m on the verge of freedom and maybe even some kind of vindication. This marriage has largely been an exercise in pain and desperation, grief that I will feel lighter without.

When The Marriage Has Given Up On You

The majority of people who read this blog don’t have the historical knowledge of my life and, particularly, my marriage. So, for the benefit of the majority of you, I’ll give you a bit of a crash course and try to not make this post too heady.

We’ve been together for 17 years and married for 8 years of that. We have three kids, two of whom are 18+ and the youngest is in high school. 

(Right about now, you are maybe doing some math to figure out how old I am… I’ll help you out, we both started families when we were young.)

She’s a person who believes firmly that if a little of something is good then more is always better. This is a common theme that I’ve observed over time and, because of this tendency, she often steamrolls into (and through) situations making decisions contrary to what most people would regard as common sense. In doing this, she has gotten herself into hot water over and over again. Consequences of these poor decisions range from significant financial setbacks for the family to questionable parenting episodes to her personal safety being in serious jeopardy. 

In the vast majority of these situations, I’ve stepped in to pluck her from the fire because… well, that’s just what you do for your spouse and your family. Often, this comes at your own personal cost and is done thanklessly. I know this just as well as anyone who has found themselves in this role.

Now, fast forward to present day. 

You don’t have to scroll back very far in this blog to see that I’ve had struggles with alcohol. Drinking became a coping mechanism to compensate for my inability to cope with stress and loneliness. My relationship with the bottle finally culminated into me having a grand mal seizure while at work and being taken to the hospital.

It was at this time, while laying on a hospital bed and freshly swearing off booze, that my wife told me if I were to start drinking again… she was going to leave me. 

Going back a few posts in this blog, you’ll note that I dabbled with alcohol again. I’m the type of guy that lives by the adage ‘never say never’ so I generally don’t close a door on any possibility.  I felt like I needed to convince myself that, indeed, I had to close the door on my drinking past and walk away. 

This didn’t go by unnoticed, of course. My wife had no clue since we have been working opposite schedules for years now and rarely see each other. However, my youngest teenage son did notice and finally said something to her a few weeks ago. The very next day, she confronted me and said that she was leaving; stating that I’d had started drinking again that she couldn’t live with it anymore. 

Given the fact that we rarely see each other and that she admitted that she hadn’t even noticed, this statement felt disingenuous and the situation was being used as an excuse or, worse, an opportunity. 

Throughout this past ten months, I’ve felt angry and bitter toward my immediate family that there has been little to no support for me staying sober. I also feel that there has been little to no effort made by them to understand or appreciate how hard this is. So, this past ten months has felt like a gigantic slap in the face that highlights how unappreciated I’ve been for the previous 16+ years of bailing this family, and particularly my wife, out of trouble over and over again. 

Now, my natural tendency is to try to inject humour wherever I can and especially when it’s a painful subject for me. So, when I was reflecting on it at the end of a work day immediately following that weekend confrontation, I related this entire scene to an episode of The Simpsons. The episode in question is titled ‘$pringfield (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)’ where Mr. Burns opens a casino in Springfield and Marge ends up developing a gambling addiction.

Homer: You know, Marge, for the first time in our marriage I can finally look down my nose at you.You have a gambling problem!

Marge: That’s true. Will you forgive me?

Homer: Oh, sure! Remember when I got caught stealing all those watches from Sears? 

Marge: [ Groans ]

Homer: Well, that’s nothing, because you have a gambling problem! And remember when I let that escaped lunatic in the house ’cause he was dressed like Santa Claus?

Marge: [ Groans ] 

Homer: Well, you have a gambling problem!

The writers pretty much hit the nail on the head with this episode. I’m feeling a lot like Marge here. And my wife has been Homer for our entire marriage and I’ve never noticed it. 

Maybe this is why she hates The Simpsons. 

A Boast

My wife claims to know how to make a bed with hospital corners. I refute this claim, I’ve never even seen her make the bed in over 15 years. 

Day 26

I was about to write, “I’m not sure if it’s stupid to keep writing posts like this,” but fuck that noise. This is my blog, my journey and my little space to track whatever I want. I’m not fishing for a virtual high five or a pat on the back; I’m making this statement as a matter of public record. 

It’s Day 26 of me being sober. It’s also the fifth session of a five day workshop at Edmonton’s downtown Addiction Services office for Self-Evaluation & Support. This session is about Relapse Prevention. 

So far, I haven’t felt a lot of challenges with respect to wanting or needing a drink. I’ve learned a ton about addiction and substance abuse; some of the things apply to me and some of the things, I feel, don’t apply to me. But that’s one of the things about addiction, it’s not the same for everyone. It’s pretty much like anything in this world, the experience can be vastly different because people are inherently different. 

This workshop has taught me first hand, amongst many things that I will likely write about in the future, is that addiction and substance abuse affects people from every demographic of society that you can possibly imagine. I base this statement upon the fact that there are all kinds of people from all walks of life in these sessions. 

While I know that I have had it pretty easy with respect to cravings and challenges to my sobriety, I know that I haven’t been living within the exact same routine that got me to the point of having a seizure at my workplace because of alcohol withdrawal. I’ve been off work for 4 weeks with a significantly reduced stress load. 

I realize that, besides my stress load at work, there are significant triggers for me that are based around not having a supporting family environment. My home isn’t terrible (I know there are people who have to face violence or other people’s addictions or abuse) but the thoughts of not having a spouse who I can talk to or rely upon to just listen has caused me to well up with tears in these sessions (and right now just writing about it) and I’ve had to redirect just to not break down. 

But that’s something for Future Jeff to deal with. Right now, this Jeff has to get his ass to the Churchill station to hop on the LRT for home. 

Waiting For The Night

Has it really been so long since I posted here? I guess so.

There are many things that I think about during the course of this existence. The thoughts that linger, though, are the ones where I am reminded of how lonely this life is. I crave physical contact.

Of course, the easy go-to is sex. Fucking. Eating pussy or getting my cock sucked. But, really, I’m not overly horny. Plus, there is some associated pressure on getting a hard-on when the last few times I had sex (like over a year and a half ago) I couldn’t even maintain an erection. My wife simply does not excite me. Not even remotely.

The thing that I miss is simply body contact. Kissing. Holding hands. Companionship. Laughter.

My life has none of these things. I am married and I have no relationship with my spouse whatsoever nor do I want one. There is nothing about her that makes me want to spend time with her.

There’s nothing you can do to make yourself love someone. There isn’t anything conscious about attraction or desire.

So what do I do? I live for my kids. I give myself distractions. I drink.

I wait for the end to come.