Author Archives: Detritus

The Language of the Dominant

For whatever reason, there aren’t nearly as many dominants who blog as there are submissives who blog.

Submissives are, by nature, more inclined to try to gain attention of those who may follow a blog, hoping to get some microscopic amount of titillation.

Dominants, however, are more controlled. Generally speaking, of course… dominants don’t typically show their faces online. I’m really not sure why this is; perhaps it’s because many doms don’t require external approval from other people.

Hence, if you are a blossoming Dom then it is probably going to be more difficult to find writings and inspiration from traditional online sources.

Maybe this generality, along with my love of the English language, causes me to be overly critical of online dominants with a lesser grasp. With that being said; “I’m not the example of perfection.”


But, I believe that a dominant should be somewhat cerebral. A dominant should be aware in his own head WHAT he wants and enjoys. While a dominant may not communicate frequently, when he does, he should be clear and concise in his thoughts and directions. Such clarity requires an understanding of what you are wanting to say. And then being able to do it.

This is my opinion.

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known and had the privilege of loving. Yet, she isn’t mine despite the fact that we would both love it to be that way.

It feels like it’s been years since we decided that she needed to give her marriage one last final real try. We both know that it won’t work but to be clear of conscience, that she really tried, but have agreed to part ways.

Right now, I feel like the biggest fool; that I ley the best thing in my life slip through my fingers. However, I made this decision on the belief that the buffoon she is married to will continue to not recognize her for the most amazing creature she is and will fuck it up.

You see, he hasn’t been faithful either.

It comes down to the fact that I love her and I miss her terribly. She will always be mine and she knows how I feel. I just hope that my belief is correct.