Holy National Holidays, Batman!

Ok, so I missed marking the auspicious Canadian national holiday, Canada Day, with a post.  And given that JeffLand’s roots are so intertwined with Canada’s, it was kind of a “my bad” sort of moment on my part.  Soo… Happy Belated Canada Day!

Moving right along, today is the 4th of July; Independence Day in the United States of America.

Soundgarden – 4th Of July

[audio:http://newjefflandempire.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/fireworks1.jpgwp-content/uploads/2010/07/13-4th-Of-July.mp3|titles=Soundgarden – 4th Of July]

Mushroom Cloud

Quite the fireworks display!

I can’t help but think of this song every year that Independence Day rolls around. Feel free to click on the above audio player to listen to Soundgarden’s ‘4th Of July’ while reading the remainder of this post.  And, yes, I do realize that the song references nuclear war (explaining the picture to the right) but I love how Chris Cornell juxtaposes American patriotism with nuclear warfare and with the name… I can’t avoid posting this.

Anyway, Canadians could really learn a few things from the Americans with regard to how to celebrate their national holiday.  One thing that I know about American celebrations is that so many Americans enjoy setting off their own fireworks displays.  This is something that doesn’t happen nearly enough in neither Canada nor the New JeffLand Empire.  Really, we should be shooting off fireworks so often that one might realize that there’s a fine line between patriotism and pyromania!

I’m really expressing my fondness for explosions here and aligning myself with the philosophy that more explosions=better celebration.  So, in honour of our American friends on their day of observance… here is a brilliant fireworks display that won’t send anyone to the hospital or burn off anyone’s hair.


U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

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