The NJLE App For iPhone

I find Lifehacker to be a wealth of great information; from technology tips to productivity pointers, there is so much great knowledge that is shared between writers and readers.

One such tip is where you can bookmark a website to the home screen of your iPhone. It’s an old tip, I know, but this post has been sitting in my drafts folder for over a year. Sue me.

Anyway. I set up the favicon for this site to be… well, take a look at the address bar on your browser and you can see what it is. (Hint: it’s a J.) But if you follow the instructions in the Lifehacker post, you can create a bookmark on your iPhone that will appear to be the favicon for the site… making it appear to be it’s own app. So I’m going to just say that it IS an app because… well, I want to.

Do it because it’s pretty sweet. And it feeds my bloated ego.

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